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We all know one of those people who appear to have the endless courage required to let their 9-5 life go, and take off to explore the world, but what’s keeping you from doing the same? They set the rules, they do what they want, when they want. Sounds reckless right? Letting go is one of the best things you can do for yourself. It teaches you to fall in love with the beauty of life, fall in love with the new people in your life, and fall in love with the world. To embrace the fear, and see the method behind the madness, read on!

What is holding you back from traveling? For most of us, it’s due to responsibilities, such as work or school. There is plenty of time in your life to work; now is the time for traveling. You don’t have to feel guilty for not rushing to start your career either. There is a distinct possibility that doing this comes with plenty of stress and a serious case of FOMO (aka Fear Of Missing Out).

It isn’t selfish to travel now, it is an opportunity. It is also a decision you will never regret! However, many people tend to regret their decision to start a career and not travel first. They say they will travel someday – but, more often than not, it just never happens. Not everyone is going to understand your decision, and guess what?  They don’t have to! It’s YOUR decision. This is your life, your experiences, and ultimately, you get to have the say. So stop worrying, and start planning! Backpacking Thailand with Lost Beaches Travel Co. is an amazing place to start your epic journey in one of the most amazing places on earth.

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Too often, we get caught up in a routine because it is comfortable. We may not enjoy our social life or our work schedule but it is familiar to us, so we continue with it. When you invest time in traveling, you also invest time in yourself. You will be going beyond your comfort zone, and that is when your creativity will flow.

We tend to live a life that is structured and influenced by those around us. How we grew up, where we went to school, our friends, etc. They all influence who we are and what we determine to be our comfort zone. Yet when you are out there exploring and traveling, you are going to meet people who think very differently than you do. Talking to them, observing them, and even asking questions can help you to see a new prospective where you once had tunnel vision.

This is a time when you get to really figure out who you are and what is important to you. In the end that is what really matters, not what others think of you. Perhaps you already feel like you have lost yourself; you have the chance to get that back through your travels.

You are going to learn some eye opening things as you travel too. People you meet aren’t always going to be kind and accepting. Some of them will be rude and dismissive. Others will be warm and inviting. You will experience cultural diversity, language barriers, learn about different ethnic backgrounds, and identify those with various religious beliefs.

You aren’t going to be spending your time surrounded just by people who think like, and believe in the same things as you. This real world exposure is something you can’t learn by reading books or researching on the internet. It is going to make you more compassionate, tolerant, a better listener, and help you to realize the world is made up of unique individuals who all have something to offer.

You certainly won’t agree with the outlook of everyone you meet while backpacking, but you will learn to be accepting and respectful of those differences. You are also going to be able to improve your own character by taking with you the best of the best you experience along the way. This can help you to become the best version of yourself possible. Keep in mind you are also an outsider while you are traveling, and are going to be observed by others. Think about all you can share with them!

Career Pressure and Worry is Eliminated

How can you figure out what you truly want to do as a career when you aren’t sure yet who you are? The day to day pressures of deciding on a career and embarking on that patch can be overwhelming. You can say goodbye to all of those pressures and worries when you go traveling rather than right into a career.

You can focus your attention on what you see and the people you meet. You can spend your day learning and exploring. At night, you can reflect on what you have seen and what you have done. You will go to sleep content and eager to see what the following day brings. You don’t have to be going to a career job day after day to feel successful.

Many backpackers pick up jobs here and there along the way as they explore. This is a way to make some money and to keep yourself self-sufficient as you move from one location to the next. Learning new skills and taking on new job roles is something you will appreciate. This can also help you to decide a career segment to follow or at least let you know what you definitely don’t want to follow as a selected career path. Consider each of these random jobs as an opportunity. When you have a positive outlook, you will get more from it than just some money.

Appreciate People

One of the hardest parts of backpacking is being away from those you love. You are going to miss your friends and your family. However, you will also appreciate them more when you do see them again! As you go through your travels, you will gain a new found appreciation for people. You are going to carry that with you for life, making time for those who matter to you.

This is a prime time to get to know some new people too. It doesn’t matter if they are other travelers, they are locals for where you are visiting, or they are a driver on a bus you ride on. Smile, strike up conversations, be helpful when you can, and it will be returned to you. Most of the time, people are quite open and friendly and they enjoy meeting someone new. They may be very interested in your backpacking adventures. Sure, you will encounter some negative people now and then but just brush them off and keep your head up. Don’t let them influence how you will approach the next person.

Deeper Understanding of who you are

All of us have layers to us, and it takes time to get to the deeper ones. You may not have any idea about who you really are who you really want to be. You may have plenty of questions when you start out traveling, and most of them will still be there when you get back. Yet you will stop asking surface questions and start asking yourself some honest deep down elements that help you understand what direction you want to take with your life.

You will realize some of the petty things you have been worried about when you were home aren’t important at all. You may start to appreciate little things you once took for granted. This is a time to ask yourself serious questions such as what makes you the happiest and what can you do to create opportunities for you to obtain and maintain such happiness. The more you can do to make your world one that you enjoy, the more satisfying your life is going to be.

Life isn’t perfect for anyone, so you have to make the best of it. How you choose to respond to a given situation influences the outcome more than anything. You can’t control the situation but you can control how you respond to it. Traveling is going to provide you with tools you can use to make healthy life choices.

Let it go

If you aren’t careful, everything around you can consume you. Life can be full of worry, unhappiness, and feeling like you aren’t good enough due to the opinions of others. Now, many don’t like the word fuck, but it should be part of your vocabulary and part of how you let things go. Learning to say fuck it will reduce stress and avoid worrying about the small things that really don’t do anything but zap your positive energy.

You aren’t irresponsible of you decide to travel first before your career. In fact, you are going to have to be very responsible for yourself out there. Yet you can focus on learning about you, about letting go of the negative, and about having fun. All of this is going to provide you with a solid foundation for a happy future. You won’t have any regrets about traveling our about learning to let go.

The Reality of Freedom
Being a legal adult due to your age or having a job doesn’t mean you really have freedom. Sadly, too many people have invisible chains around them. They may be in a relationship that isn’t working out for them or a career they hate. You can’t really do well in a relationship or on the job until you are comfortable with who you are and how you are.

When you have complete freedom to explore yourself, to benefit from what you are exposed to as you travel, you can experience complete freedom. Don’t mistake being able to pick the school you go to or the career you follow as freedom. That is still society telling you the process should be to go to school and then to get your career in motion.

Complete freedom comes from being able to say fuck that routine process; this is what I want to do. It comes from the freedom to do what you feel is best for you and not what society is telling you to do based on the mold they have for the average person. Following such a mold results in rigid structure and confinement. It is sad how many people follow it though because that is what is expected of them.

Traveling removes all preconceptions and all of the barriers standing in the way. Don’t let others make you feel guilty about your decision. You are an individual and everyone has the free will to do what they would like to. Take the road you want and where it leads you, not the road others tell you that you should be on. The decision to travel is yours – and the time to do it is NOW! It’s a beautiful world out there, live it.

Interested in Backpacking through Thailand ? Check out our trip homepage. Also check out the rest of our blog section for more info on Thailand backpacking holidays .


Top 5 Reasons You Should be a Booze Cruise Bum

Thailand is a place of tranquility and relaxation for some travelers, with its beautiful beaches and Buddhist culture. Thailand backpacking can be the ultimate adventure. If you want to go all out and experience Thailand the best way, booze cruising is the way to go. It’s pretty self explanatory- a booze cruise is a daylong boat ride, often with unlimited alcohol, and in our case, sailing around the stunning islands of Ko Phi Phi. Ko Phi Phi is also considered the most beautiful place on the planet. So, obviously that sounds rad in its own right, but we’re going to break down the top 5 reasons you should just quit your life, and be a booze cruise bum:

Awesome Scenery

You don’t get the reputation as being the most beautiful place on earth by being a hot mess. Ko Phi Phi is home to some of the most crystal blue water, powder soft white-sand beaches, and towering cliffs. The beaches are legendary, and it’s almost hard to believe your eyes when you see it in real life. Booze cruises casually float you to the best beach hangouts, where you just jump in the water with a Chang beer (or 4) and lounge with your new buds. Sunshine, clear blue skies, and beach lounging with a beer- it doesn’t get any better.

Wild Activities

Besides drinking copious amounts, booze cruises are great for seeing the sights and getting wild! Cliff diving is one stop on your daylong journey. There’s nothing like hiking up a cliff side, and taking a plunge off! You’ll also stop at monkey beach, which is exactly what it sounds like- a beach full of monkeys you can feed and chill with- but be careful, those guys can get frisky! Ko Phi Phi is surrounded by some gorgeous coral reefs, so booze cruising gives you front-row access to explore; snorkeling off the side of the boat is an unforgettable experience. At the end of the day, watch a sunset like you’ve never seen, while floating with a beer in your hand in Wang Long Bay.

Meeting new people

Ay mate, bonjourno, and hey there- a booze cruise is a multicultural experience. You will meet people from all over the world, all there to have a great time. You’ll become fast friends after a few Chang beers and a couple cliff jumps! Booze cruising is a day long party, so you’re bound to share some interesting moments with your new multinational buds. And hey, maybe you’ll find your next destination that way.

Best Travel Stories

Drinking all day, feeding monkeys, cliff diving, snorkeling, and beach hopping- there’s no way you’ll come out of this one without at least a few knee-slapping stories. Maybe your bathing suit top flew off after a jump from the cliffs, or maybe your new Australian friend got pantsed by a monkey. Or perhaps a close encounter with a giant fish while snorkeling left you needing an extra beer. Regardless of the day’s antics, you will be left with stories you’ll be telling your grandkids (when they’re old enough).



UNLIMITED beer will be your fuel for the day. You’ll want to make sure to drink lots of water and get a solid Thai meal into your belly before you depart- you want to keep the party going all day long! In between dips in the ocean and monkey feedings you can hop aboard the boat and grab your drink of choice. Thailand backpacking is a treat for sure, and honestly, there ain’t no party like a booze cruise party.

So by now you’re obviously convinced that booze cruising in Ko Phi Phi seems like the best thing to do, ever. And you’re right, it really is. So you need to smarten up and book your tour right now, because this boat is leaving the dock and you’re going to want to be on it.

Avoid these Common Mistakes while Backpacking through Thailand.  Backpacking can be an amazing adventure you quickly fall in love with, yet it can also be a difficult challenge if you fall into some common pitfalls. Knowing what can happen is the best way to prepare against it. Then you can focus on just having a great time for your entire trip!

Backpacking through Thailand is going to be an experience you never forget! There is lovely landscaping as far as the eyes can see. Get up close and personal with some of the wonders of the world. You may have about them in books and seen pictures, but nothing compares to what you will see with your own eyes! Avoid these common mistakes and you will have nothing but wonderful memories of your adventure. 

1. Don’t Over Pack!

We have all packed too many items for a vacation, backpacking is no different. It’s hard to decide what you will need and what you can leave at home. Fortunately, we are full blown experts when it comes to packing for backpacking through Thailand. There is no reason to add more weight to your backpack than you really have to. Narrow it down to the basics including a few changes of clothing and an extra pair of shoes. You need your hygiene essentials but leave the rest at home. Less belongings with you = much less to worry about.

Ladies, you can do without the makeup and all the hair products out there! Pack bug spray and sunblock. These are items you may need on a daily basis. Make sure you have some room in your backpack for items you may choose to add along the way. You may encounter some great items as you move along the trails. Don’t forget your camera (Phone for most of you millenials..) Personally, flip flops, sunscreen and board shorts are enough for me to go for days in Thailand. 


2. Tours are the way to go!

It is always recommended to go backpacking through Thailand with a tour guide rather than on your own, especially on your inaugural visit. They are experienced and they can take you to the best locations. You also have their experience on your side should there be any type of incident or accident. You can often customize such tours so they will include where you want to go, free time, accomodations are always taken care of especially with Lost Beaches Travel.  Make sure you pick one with terrain that is acceptable for your fitness level.

It can be quite intimidating to get out there and backpack along the trails by yourself. You may feel overwhelmed by it which will prevent you from relaxing and really enjoying the time you have out there. Epic friends and epic times await the moment you get off the plane!


3. Don’t Plan too Much

While it is understood there is plenty you would like to see and do, you can’t fit it all in! One trip backpacking in Thailand simply isn’t enough. Instead, focus on the main things you would like to see and explore. You want time to relax and time to spend in areas that hold your attention the most. Don’t make your schedule so rigorous you don’t have any time to just take in the beauty of it all. Lost Beaches Travel prides itself on 

If you see something along the way you really want to take part in, go for it! The freedom to do so is going to be exciting. Most of us are tied down day after day with a time schedule so don’t do that to yourself while on vacation. 

As you explore, you will find things you wish you had known about sooner. Write them down so you don’t forget. You can make them part of your agenda for the next time you are in Thailand. By reducing the number of activities you take part in per day, you will feel better too. No one wants to spend vacation feeling exhausted!


4. Don’t take the experience for Granted 

Put away your smartphone and other electronics. Pay attention to the culture, diversity, and beauty all around you.  Indulge. Try some unbelievable authentic cuisine of the area too. (See above.. Don’t worry they don’t bite.)  Chill, relax, let the sand run through your toes. Otherwise, you may as well stay home if you are going to engage in the same things on vacation you would do at home.  Really embrace where you are and try to spend some time interacting with the locals. It is fun to learn,travel, experience with them. Remember, travel through culture, not around it.


5. Don’t Worry!

Stress can take away the joy and excitement of your travels out there as you are backpacking through Thailand. If you plan let your hair down and have a wicked group of fellow travellers with you, you don’t have anything to worry about. Don’t let the little things that may come up get the best of you and ruin your day either. This is paradise.. Enjoy it!

Wanna travel South East Asia but not really sure where to start? Check us out! Backpacking in Thailand has never been easier.The Lost Beaches team are experts and we’re happy to help out! Check out our epic tours in Thailand. ‘Like’ us on FB for even more blogs and follow us on Instagram (LostabeachesTravel)! for even more information.